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The QM Bundle seems to suggest that Scaler 2 is part of the "Guitar" package - and I doubt that is the case...

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Quiet MusicCreator

Hello, in the description of the video we warn that Scaler 2 is from another company and is not sold together with Classic.GTR Sorry for the inconvenience --- ATTENTION: Scaler 2 is a third-party Plugin and is not sold together with Classic.GTr, if you want to buy Scaler 2 you must do it in Plugin Boutique with the following link: --

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Thanks for clarifying (cool interface between your product and scaler btw). Another thing, please: I see your prices are listed in euros only with no listing for US dollars. I'd like to buy something, but would like to know the price upfront. Thanks.

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je n'ai pas pu rentrer le code promo qui me faisait beneficier de 50%

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Quiet MusicCreator

It is fixed sorry for the inconvenience :)

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